Fiche cheval all down to rosie

R5C2platcourse a conditions 29587wolverhampton1900M7387classified stakes (class 6)12 partantsdépart à 16:55
16well preparedH64p(22)9p4p6pbilly loughnane5.3/102:00
22captain st luciferH6(22)5p6p6p3pjack mitchell5.3/11/2 l
35odd socks havanaH55p(22)9p0p6pp. j. mcdonald5/11/2 l
410connie rF47p(22)2p3p0ptom eaves11/11/2 l
58bazalgetteH44p(22)9p9p0ptaylor fisher12/11 l 3/4
67all aboardH49p(22)6p8p8pkevin stott12/11/2 l
711faithless insomniaH40p2p(22)7p0prossa ryan7.4/11 l 1/2
83krystal mazeF53p3p(22)0p9pjames sullivan6.4/12 l 1/2
91all down to rosieF5(21)0p0p7p0pryan sexton56/14 l
1012kitty piF40p(22)9p9p5paiden brookes67/13 l
114maykirH79p(22)9p0p0pjoe bradnam79/11/2 l
129birkie girlF4(22)0p0p2p5pjordan williams51/11 l

R5C8plathandicap 51457dundalk2150M10000the handicap (div 2)17 partantsdépart à 19:00
Non-partants : 11 - 15 - 17
15pro bonoH65p6p8p0p6pc.d. hayes7.4/102:15
26complete fictionH40p0p(20)0h0pg.m. ryan43/11/2 l
310dream wiselyF44p0p9p0p3pd.p. mcdonogh9.1/12 l 1/2
41maricruzF67p9h5p0p5hsiobhan rutledge12/1encolure
54lady de vesciF83p4h4h3h2hm.p. sheehy6/13/4 l
612rock ya boy yaH35p2p0p5p0pc.d. maxwell12/1tete
713bader ginsburgF30p1p6p0p3pc.j. macredmond21/1tete
83rockview romanH54p6p(20)6p2pd.w. o'connor4.1/1cte tete
99camogue woodH45h4p0p9pj. coen14/1tete
108paddytheirishmanH110p3p0p7pr.p. cleary26/1cte tete
2gamiginH37p5p4h5h1pl.t. mcateer6.7/1
7bell manannanH60p(20)2p8p0pjames j. doyle13/1
11movingH46p9p6p0p0pj.m. sheridan/1
14madeline hayesF30p0p6p9p0pn.g. mccullagh48/1
15all down to rosieF30p7p0p(20)0preserviste 1/1
16rock chicaF49p6h7hTh0hd.e. sheehy50/1
17mayan sonH37p0p0p0p8preserviste 3/1

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